Quality and Certificates

Quality - in how we work, what we do and how our products perform in the hands of our customers, is indeed important to us. This is reflected both in our Quality Policy and in our Quality Objectives. We feel these important commitments should be known not only internally but among our customers and partners

Quality Policy

HemoCue is committed to being a global leader in the professional point-of-care testing market with products and services of high quality. We will accomplish this by the following Top Management Commitments.

  • Compliance with applicable national laws, regulations and standards
  • Securing a professional relationship with our customers through an effective two way communication
  • Securing sufficient resources and efficient processes
  • Maintaining, monitoring and improving the Quality Management System
  • A decision-making process that is built on well founded data and on relevant trend analysis
  • Securing suitability and an appropriate number of supplier


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