The HemoCue environmental activities will be guided by commitment to and strive for continuous improvement. We will comply with applicable legal requirements and other applicable environmental requirements. We will also work to prevent pollution. HemoCue will consider interested parties environmental requirements and provide relevant and appropriate environmental information about our products and processes to support their environmental work.
The environmental impact from HemCue products starts with the shipment of raw material to production and continues through the products' entire lifecycle. Our main objective is therefore to develop processes and products with consideration to the environment.
This involves:
- choosing raw material with care to minimize the environmental impact
- economizing with raw material and minimizing waste
- choosing our suppliers with care to minimize our indirect environmental impact HemoCue will also take responsibility for the environment by:
- managing waste responsibly according to applicable requirements
- striving to use environmental friendly products
- educating and make employees take active interest in environmental issues.
ISO 14001 Certificate
HemoCue Environmental Policy